Awesome Blogger Free Premium Templates

Nexis Blogger Template :

Nexis Blogger Template
Check Out the Live Demo

Features :
  • Pre - Header
  • Main Screen (Main one column , Remaining Two Column)
  • sexy bookmarks
  • Related Posts looks like Wordpress
  • Author box makes a more professional blog
  • Comment by Wordpress designed and added as a counter to comment, reply with the emoticons funny. 
  • Author notes highlighted beside the author name in the comment
  • Page Navigation has also been added.
  • Footer : Includes 3 column widget ready for you to add.
  • Sidebar: Widget HTML for box subscribe by email.
For Detailed information and instruction Check Here  .

Auto Video Template :

Auto Video Template :

Check out the Live Demo

Features :
  • Automatic thumbnail creation for Youtube videos.
  • A picture similar to the articles.
  • Custom fields gadget.
  • Simplified design.
  • Dailymotion, metacafe, vimeo, LiveLeak, YouTube, to automatically embed videos
  • For videos from, Dailymotion, metacafe, vimeo, LiveLeak, add the endofvid tag to the end of the link. 
  • For the video description: place the [starttext] and [endtext] code to the beginning and end of description.
    this is description

    The thumbnails for these video services are not available. You'll have to add pictures manually.

     thumbnails for youtube views Youtube videos: When you add the iframe code, it automatically creates a thumbnail. Instructions:When creating a post, switch to Edit HTML tab and paste the embed code of youtube video in the HTML box.
    You don't need to add any pictures.

    NOTE : If thumbnails don't appear, find and delete the ?rel=0 code at the end of youtube URL.

    Queries ?? Feel Free to ask below as comments :)

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    Blogger widgets

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    1. Replies
      1. Thanks for your valuable comment :) Do share with your friends


    1.Your feedback is appreciated .we will try to respond as soon as possible .
    2.While commenting make sure you click "subscribe by mail ", so that you will be notified follow up replies
    3.Please don't spam ,dont use keyword in the name section, don't drop the links for the sake of backlinks and other purpose ( Comments will not be published and deleted)
    4.Make sure you check the previous comments , before asking any any queries . you may get the solition in the comments itself.
    5.Comments should be related to the topic .
    if above all not followed the user may result in ban :(


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