Facebook - First 10 Sign-up

Facebook, a world-wide used social-networking website. Mr. Zuckerberg, made the globe to get connected  through some clicks. All over the globe, everyone have a Facebook account. But, there are some top tem people who have signed into Facebook. Here, the people list below:

Mark Zuckerberg - The first-one to sign-up for Facebook, as a Founder of Facebook

Chris Hughes - Co-founder of Facebook, Roommate with Mr. Zuckerberg

Dustin Moskovitz - Also Co-founder of Facebook, Roommate with Mr.Zuckerberg

Arie Hasit - The first Non-founder to sign up for Facebook. Hasit, a friend of David Hammer and   ColinJackson, the earliest member of Facebook

Marcel Georgés Laverdet - Laverdet had the earliest ID's. But, he was in the top 20 to sign-up for Facebook. Laverdet was found that he had a Facebook ID opened at the first.

Soleio Cuervo - Friend of Marcel George Laverdet.

Chris Putnam - Also friend of Marcel George Laverdet. Putnam and Marcel were into Facebook by creating hacks and pranks on the social site. So, Cofounder Dustin, gave a call for to Putnam and Marcel and offered an interview to join Facebook.

Andrew McCollum - Classmate of Mark Zuckerberg in CS161: Operating Systems class.

Colin Kelly - Friend of David Hammer and Colin Jackson.

Mark Kaganovich - Friend of Facebooker David Hammer(20 earliest member). But, Hammer joined Facebook after Kaganovich, as Hammer knew 7 Facebook members and was marked as the earliest.

Now, there are millions of Facebook Users (Lovers) all over the globe. So, be connected with Facebook,
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