Facebook - New Graph Search Tool

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg - Tuesday Unveiled a new feature on Facebook that helps users to search for people and places within the social network, in the company's first major launched product since May.
facebook-mark zuckerburg
Image Credit : Google
Mr. Zuckerburg states - " Graph Search " - which allows users to sort through only content that has been shared with them - addressing potential privacy concerns.

Beta Versions:
As a Beta version available to hundreds of thousands of users now, the new feature dubbed this search tool to facebook refers to its growing content, data and membership as the social graph", - as this will initialy let users to browse photographs, people, places and members' interests, added Mr. Zuckerburg
The users are also meant to search friends who have an interest in a particular topic as Facebook may explore ways to earn from the revenue from the services in the future, he added

Graph Search:
" You need to ask the query, as, Who are my friends in Las Vegas", and as the graph search would take years and years to index the globe into the graph in and aorund everything.
Mr. Zuckerburg stated that, " Facebook will start rolling it out very slowly. We're looking forward to getting more people's hands over coming weeks and months.

Mr. Zuckerburg stressed that Facebook was not getting into Internet Searches, Google Inc's Specialty.

Credit and Source - The Hindu , Thanks for sharing this great article .

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