[How To's]Optimze your website for Mobiles devices

This is a Guest Article about the Optimization of Website for Mobile Devices From the Editor of Sahipasand mobile ,

Let's Start Optimze your website for Mobiles devices :

These days, one of the most essential things for any webmaster is to have a mobile friendly website. Smartphone usage has increased significantly and rapidly, and a lot of the internet traffic today is strictly mobile. Not having your site optimized for mobile devices leaves you in a position to lose potential visitors and customers. With that knowledge in mind, your biggest decision to make at this point is not if you should go mobile, but what is the best way to do it – with a plugin or with a new web platform. Both using a plugin and creating a web platform have their advantages and disadvantages, so keep on reading this article, to understand which option is better for you to take your website on-the-go.

Mobile Plugins
Using mobile plugins is definitely the easier route to take. They are generally offered by the host of your website or a third party, and give you the opportunity to install a plugin on your website that automatically converts it to mobile. Basically, what this means is that once you have installed the plugin, anyone visiting your site on a mobile device will automatically see your site's mobile optimized version. Plugins are very easy to use, as optimizing requires nothing more than downloading and installing the appropriate one on your website. You will definitely save time and money with a plugin.
However using a plugin means that you will also lose the ability to have much control over your mobile site. There is little, if any opportunity for customizing, meaning that your site will likely be squeezed into a ready-made template that might not be the most conducive to what you are offering.

Mobile Web Platform
Building a brand-new, customized mobile website offers a lot of advantages not available to those using a plugin, customization obviously being the main one. As mentioned, customization lets you control the design and layout of the site, instead of fitting it into a template. If your standard site is highly customized, it will probably be worth to spend the extra time and money to do a custom design also for your mobile site– you will want that extra control over the final look, and be able to ensure that you can retain all the features. This usually means that you will be able to use more media-rich content, like videos, maps and info graphics  and control how it looks, and just generally retain more of the features from your standard site like the look, style, and brand identity that you cultivated so carefully on your main website.

Choosing between the two has a lot to do with your available resources and time, but do think long and hard about whether customizing is really necessary for your site. If you follow a fairly standard, text-based format, it might not be worth the money and headache to customize. And if you do go the customizing route, work with and listen to the experts.You do not want to end up spending a lot of time and money developing a inefficient website.

Author Bio :
Article written by editor of Sahipasand mobile - an Indian free classifieds website for mobile users.

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